My name is Olivia Meyer, and I am a freshman at William & Mary. Once I have enough credits, I am going to declare a major in psychology, and a minor in data science. My background in data science is limited to statistics; I do not have any prior experience with computer science, but I am excited to learn about the technological side of data science. Along with DATA 150, I’m currently taking DATA 202 with Professor Settle, it is a class that highlights how data science intersects with American politics, and the ethics surrounding its involvement in our political lives. I’m mainly interested in the intersection between data science and social justice movements, specifically how data science and technology has contributed to the criminalization of certain acts and the indictment of individuals in the court of law. I plan to attend law school after I graduate from William & Mary, and then pursue a career in law as an attorney. For a while, I have wanted to focus on criminal law, but my data science classes have encouraged me to consider other areas, including IT and cyber law.
To me, data science is the mathematical translation of behaviors and sequences. Everyday, millions of global citizens are hindered by social, political, economic, and biological deficiencies. I think data science can and should be used to reveal patterns in society, and then that information can be used to help those affected by their respective environmental shortcomings. Others sometimes fail to realize that data science is only a tool. On its own, data science cannot solve our most intricate problems, it’s sole contribution is insight, it is people who are responsible for interpreting and applying data. I hold the belief that if data science fails to better the lives of a community, it is more than likely the fault of the people behind the algorithms. That being said, data science cannot solve all of our issues, and it should not be viewed as a one-size-fits-all solution to all of the world’s problems. It takes a sound body of data scientists to be able to identify the circumstances in which data science can be deployed. Data science is an advantageous instrument, however, there are specific times, places, and ways it must be employed if we have any hope of improving society through the use of data science.